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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Features of computer

Aug 14, 2019 computer, advantages, features , 2715 Views
about advantages / characteristics

1) High Speed:-

  • The computer is a very fast device.

  • It is capable of performing the calculation of a very large amount of data.

  • The computer has until of speed in a microsecond, nanosecond even in picosecond

  • It can perform millions of calculation in a few second.

2) Accuracy:-

  • In addition to fast computers are very accurate.

  • The calculation is 100% error-free.

  • The computer performs all jobs with 100% accuracy provided that correct input has been given.

3) Storage Capability:-

  • Memory is a very important characteristic of computers.

  • It can store a large amount of data such as images, text, videos, audio & many others.

4) Diligence:-

  • Unlike a human being, a computer is free from tiredness & lack of concentration.

  • It can work continuously without any error.

5) Versatility:-

  • A computer is a versatile machine & flexible in performing the jobs to be done.

  • It can be used to solve the problem related to various fields.

  • At one instance it may be solving a complex scientific problem & the very next moment it may be playing a song.

6) Reliability:-

  • A computer is a reliable machine.

  • Modern electronic components have long lives.

  • Computer is designed to make maintenance easy.

7) Automation:-

  • A computer is an automatic machine means the ability to perform the given task automatically.

  • Once a program is given to computer i.e. stored in computer memory, the program & instruction can control the program execution without human interaction.

8) Reduction in Paper Work:-

  • The use of computers for data processing in an organization leads to a reduction in paperwork & results in speeding up a process.

  • As data in electronic files can be retrieved as & when required, the problem of maintenance of a large number of paper files get reduced.

9) Reduction in Cost:-

  • Through the initial investment for installing a computer is high but it substantially reduced the cost of each of its transaction.

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms