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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

How to Schedule a Restart for Windows Update on Windows 11?

Sep 13, 2021 windows 11, schedule a start, 1542 Views
Here in this article, I will tell you How to schedule a restart for windows update on windows 11?

Schedule a restart for windows update on windows 11:

While working on some important work we often get update notifications for our devices on pc but due to low battery or urgency of work. One should not do this because it is for the benefits of pc to keep it updated and efficient but can we schedule these updates in windows 11? Is there any option of scheduling within 7 days according to our precise time? Can we do this? YES, you can schedule these updates for your windows 11. Here in this article, I will show you step by step how to do this? Read the whole article till the end and don't skip in between.

How to schedule?

Follow the Steps:

The very important thing to notice is when your pc needs an update or if a notification is sent by windows 11 for an update it will not send you any message on Whatsapp or SMS rather in the bottom line there will be a yellow sign visible which can be tapped and restart process ca b begun but if you are not able or not want to restart the things on the spot the 

  1. Simply tap on the yellow notification icon it will be in reverse circle shape
  2. After clicking a new window restarting page will load and will give you two options for RESTART NOW if you are comfortable for on the spot /within 5 minutes restart then tap there but as said above if want to schedule it then this option is too available on the left side in blue words
  3.  Now it will open a calendar on your window’s tab firstly here right-click the slider from SCHEDULE OFF >ON  you can easily choose the desired date, time, and day and tap on schedule, once it selected the best thing in windows 11 schedule, it gave you the full opportunity to do things according to your time 
  4. You are all done but after tapping on done go back to the last page by clicking the upper arrow to left and reload the page you will see the confirmation of the scheduling on your page and it will be successfully updated on your selected time this was all about the information of How to schedule a restart for windows to update on windows 11?
A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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