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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Type of computer languages and it's generation

Jul 26, 2019 generation of computer languages, 2173 Views
In this article you can learn about computer languages.

Computer Languages

A language that is acceptable to a computer system is known as computer language or programming language the process of writing. Instruction in such language for a ready planned program is called programming or coding.

1)The analogy with Natural Language:-

A language is a means to communicate as human being use Hindi, English, Punjabi, etc. Language to communicate with other same as the computer has also some language through which compute communication with it.

It uses a standard set of words & symbol like (+, -,:,; <,>), etc. For the purpose of communication. It has also some vocabulary syntax to communicate. Every problem to be solved by the computer has to be broken down into simple & separate logical steps which have four operations, arithmetic operation movement of information within CPU, memory & logical or comparison operation. Each natural language has a systematic method of using the words & symbol of that language which is defined by the grammar rule of the language. Similarly, the words & symbol of a computer language must also be used as such rules, which are known as the syntax of a language.


2) Machine Language:-

Machine language is the only language that is directly understood by the computer. It does not need any translator program. We also called it machine code & written in the form of 1s and 0s. When it fed to the computer it converts it into an electric signal needed to run.

A machine instruction normally has two parts first part of an instruction is operation code, which tells the computer what function to perform & the second part is the operand which tells the computer where to find or store the data or other instruction, which are to be manipulated.


  • The only advantage is that is run very fast because no translator required.
  • Internal design or every computer is different from each other so, it differs from machine to machine.
  • Programmer has to memorize dozens of operation code numbers for the command in the machine instruction code.
  • Programmer has to remember the OP Code & must keep off the storage locations of the data & instruction.
  • It is difficult to correct or modify it. Checking machine instruction to locate errors is very difficult & time-consuming.

3)Assembly Language:-

A language which allows instruction & storage location to be represented by letter & symbol instead of number is called assembly language or symbolic language. it uses alphanumeric mnemonic codes, instead of numeric code for the instruction in the instruction set.

Ex. using ADD instead of (1110) binary or decimal instruction to add. In this instruction & instruction set are easily remembered & used by the programmers. It allows storage locations to be represented in the form of alphanumeric address instead of numeric address ex. The memory location 1000,1001& 1002 may be represented as FRST, SCND, ANSR respectively.


  • It is easier to understand & save a lot of time.
  • It is easier to modify & correct errors.
  • Assembly language has the same efficiency as the machine language.

4)High-Level Language:-

The language that uses English & Mathematical lie symbol are called high-level language. It's a problem-oriented language because the instruction are suitable for solving a particular problem. It is written in simple English language as some programming language so, it needs a compiler for an interpreter to convert it in machine language so, that computer can understand it easily. The instruction use in it as algebraic notation like a=b+c Ex. COBOL is used for the business purpose where it has very little calculation & high output. In FORTRAN & BASIC where large processing require.


  • Easy to understand.
  • Easily find error & modify the program.
  • It is easy to learn.
  • It is user-friendly.

5)Fourth Generation Language:-

It is also called non-procedural language because these languages are designed for the end users that use application procedure rather than the algorithm procedure to achieve the desired results. These language are closer to human languages. It is problem-oriented. These are designed to enable users who are not trained programmer to develop applications. These languages are being used to develop the artificial intelligence-related field. These are machine-independent & hence are more portable.


  • It is non-procedural.
  • It is machine independent so used by different compiler.
  • Improve productivity due to easier programming.
  • It requires less number of instruction.
  • Program written in 4GL is structure independent.
A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms