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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

What Is Git? | Git Tips and Triks | Git FAQ

May 08, 2020 Git, Version Control, FAQ, 4253 Views
If you want to know the FAQ of Git, this article will help you.

🤭What is Git? 

Git is a version control system that allows us to work together with other developers.

🧐What does it mean to be a version control system? 

It means that Git is primarily used to track changes you make to files, keep a record of these changes, and also makes it easy to revert to a specific version if needed.

🤓How does it allow me to work with other developers? ⁣

Git makes collaboration easier, by allowing developers to clone/fork your code, with the correct permissions, allows changes by multiple people to all be merged into one source, and you can all work on one codebase together.

🤔How to access Git?

You can access Git via a Command-line Interface (terminal), or a desktop app that has a graphical user interface (like GitHub). ⁣

🤯What are Git Repositories? ⁣

A Git repository or repo (for short) is where you store all your project files and your history (revisions).

🤫Why host a Remote Repository? ⁣

Storing your local project with an online host like GitHub gives you a one-stop location where your project with all your revisions is uploaded. Storing your project with an online host is what will allow others to collaborate with your code. ⁣
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👉🏼Tomorrow we'll be discussing the Git commands you need to be able to achieve this goal but on a high overview to be able to host a Remote Repository we need to: ⁣
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⁣
1. Setup our repository locally. ⁣
2. Link our local repository to our remote repository. ⁣
3. Save and commit our changes to our files. ⁣
4. Once it is linked and our files are committed, we will upload (push) our files into our remote repository which will include our revisions. ⁣
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💭 What GUI do you use to host your code? I want to hear your thoughts in the comment section below👇🏼👇🏼

A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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