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A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

Your Next Android Phone’s Camera May Always Be On.

Dec 04, 2021 android, phone camera, 2871 Views
here in this article you will learn to Your Next Android Phone’s Camera May Always Be On.

Your Next Android Phone’s Camera May Always Be On.

Everyone is excited about the new announcement made by Qualcomm for the launch of the snapdragon 8Gen Processor for android phones, but there are other things also which have taken our attention and left us concerned. It will let our cameras open all the time.

It is very difficult to interpret this statement, Judd Heape, the company’s vice president for product management added, “your phone’s front camera is always securely looking for your face, even if you don't touch it or raise it to wake it’’.

This gives a mixture of happiness and sounds terrific also since we will be able to open the phone more quickly and it serves security also but will it be always watching us? Whether we want it or not, is it going to work like that? Will it be working as our home recording cameras? Watching us and recording all the time? 

Well, Judd is trying to make the android smarter so that they can work as per human commands and currently he is more focused on the commands ford “hey google’’ or “hey Siri”.

There will be an alternative option in your devices for turning off this face starting system so that you can rest in your privacy, without any disturbance=nice but you will have to turn off this system.

“Customers will have a choice for what they want to enable and whatnot”-t Ziad Asghar added, the vice president of the Qualcomm company product management head.

So, companies are even working on the system to enable this feature for a certain period and give their customers things with ease. In the end, nothing is assured from the company end although various clarifications have been added they cannot be accepted. Various things have been added and removed from the statements made, so it will be great to wait for the last official announcement from the company vice president side. 



A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms