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In this article, you will learn the following: What is Scrum? What are Sprints? What is a Sprint plan? Factors affecting Sprint planning  What is the product backlog?
04/07/2021 React, , 2778 Views
Introduction to ReactJs by Shibam Dhar - TutorialsLink Student Developer Conference 2021
CRUD API with ASP.NET and Azure SQL Server by Aditya Oberai | TutorialsLink Student Developer Conference 2021
In this Ember Js tutorial Series, you'll see what are the Ember Js Fundamental Concepts.
In this Ember Js tutorial Series, you'll see how to install and set up Ember on your local system.
In this article, you'll learn all about ember js in a quick time. this is an ember js tutorial series
In this post, you'll see how to install R and R Studio on your local system ( Windows or Mac OS).
This article post will introduce R programming for beginners.
Azure Functions-How to Migrate from Consumption Plan to App Service Plan
Python is a free, open-source programming language. Therefore, all you have to do is install Python once, and you can start working with it. Not to mention that you can contribute your own code to the community.Python is also a cross-platform compatible language. So, what does this mean? Well, you can install and run Python on several operating systems. Whether you have a Windows, Mac, or Linux, you can rest assure that Python will work on all these operating systems.
Node.js Introduction| Node.js Tutorials
Java is an object-oriented programming language, which offer a neat modular structure thereby making it easier to solve complex problems. Its modular nature helps programmers to write reusable code and also enhances the development process. 
A struct type is a value type that is typically used to encapsulate small groups of related variables such as the coordinates of rectangle and all.They are basically for light weighted objects. Unlike class, structs in C# are value type than reference type. It is useful if you have data that is not intended to be modified after creation of struct.
Inheritance is pretty much a crucial concepts for all the OOP languages and it is so for C Sharp. Inheritance allows us to define a class baes on another class. Basically inheriting features in one class from another.
C# provides numerus built-n classes to store and manipulate data. One of such classes is the Array Class.
The working of this program will have several functions and methods. Once it gets the input from the user it will compare the input with the input generated by the system. This system generated input will be random, so that out of rock, paper and scissor it can give any one of them.
The recursive function or method is a very strong functionality in C#. A recursive method is a method which calls itself again and again on basis of few statements which needs to be true.
Five Reasons to start learning Python
The looping method has a very importance for almost every object oriented programming language, so as for the C#. C# uses different loop methods to carry out functions and statements. Looping is used in a programming language to perform or execute a statement or set of statements for multiple times depending on the condition we provide it to get our desired result. The looping perform only till when the given conditions remains true.
Methods are group of sentences that perform a particular task. They can be user defined and some of them are already existing in the programming language. They are very mush useful in many aspects. Every C# program has at least one class with a method named Main.
The article is all about how Business Intelligence is growing and deriving profitable results.
In this article, you will learn how to create a custom TitleView in Xamarin.Forms.
The operators in an object-oriented language have a very crucial role. They are involved in almost every part and working of the program. So in C# we have very much use of these operators too.
Function Arguments in Python | Python Tutorials
In this there will be illustrations about many things which will include methods, commands, variables and many more. It will show how to print or show things which the user wants. This can be pre-written or asked by the user as an input. There will be methods to add, delete and manipulate data.
The memory location is usually done with the help of C#. The variable names are also called the identifiers. Declaring the identifiers have several rules for instance
It is useful for creating many applications, such as web applications, web servers, mobile applications, client servers applications, data-base applications and more.
In order to start with C# on your system, make sure that the .NET FRAMEWORK of appropriate version is installed in the system.
In This Article, we'll learn how to work with VueJs Reactive Interface, Vue.Set, Vue.Delete, and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
In This Article, we'll learn how to work with VueJs Render Function, and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
In This Article, we'll learn how to work with VueJs Routing, Direct Download from CDN, Props for Router Link, and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
In This Article, we'll learn how to work with VueJs Directives, Filters, and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
In This Article, we'll learn how to work with VueJs Transition, Animation, Custom Transition Classes, Explicit Transition Duration, JavaScript Hooks, Transition at the Initial Render, Animation on Components, and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
In This Article, we'll learn how to work with VueJs Rendering, Conditional Rendering, List Rendering, and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
In This Article, we'll learn how to work with VueJs Events, Event Modifiers, Event-Key Modifiers, Custom Events, and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
This article is about what is broadcasting , broadcasting rules and how it works on NumPy arrays.
In This Article, we'll learn how to work with VueJs Binding, Binding HTML Classes, Binding Inline Styles, Form Input Bindings(Radio Buttons, Modifiers), and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
In This Article, we'll learn what is VueJs Mixins, Option Merging, Global Mixin, Mixin as Method, and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
In This Article, we'll learn how to work with VueJs Watch Properties, and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
In this article, we'll study about semantics in HTML 5. These semantic elements helps to structure the web document in a better way
In This Article, we'll learn how to work with VueJs Computed Properties, Get/Set functions in Computed properties, and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
In this article, we’ll have a look on the overview of HTML 5. We’ll have an introduction of HTML 5.
In This Article, we'll learn what is VueJs Component, how to work with VueJs Component, a look at Dynamic Component, and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
In This Article, we'll learn hwat is VueJs Template, how to work with VueJs Template and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
In This Article, we'll learn how to work with VueJs Instances, options, and a brief explanation with appropriate examples.
In this article, we'll discuss How to call/ fetch the data from API in React
In this article, You'll Understand, What is Mixins in Vue JS, and how we can use this in Vue components?
Here is the list of the first batch of Tutorials link MVB 2020-2021
If you want to learn DevOps from the begning to the Adv step by step follow this.