PowerShell Scripts on Files and Folders
PowerShell - To Create a Folder
Command - New-Item is used to create a directory and passing -ItemType as Directory
New-Item -Path 'D:\NewFolder\TutorialsLink' -ItemType Directory
PowerShell - To Create a File
Command - New-Item is used to create a file and passing -ItemType as File
New-Item -Path 'D:\NewFolder\TutorialsLink\File.txt' -ItemType File
PowerShell - To Copy a directory
Command - Copy-Item is used to copy a directory to a different directory
Copy-Item 'D:\NewFolder\TutorialsLink' 'D:\NewFolder2\TutorialsLink2'
PowerShell - To copy a File
Command - Copy-Item is used to copy a file from a directory to another
Copy-Item 'D:\NewFolder\TutorialsLink\File.txt' 'D:\NewFolder2\TutorialsLink2\File2.txt'
PowerShell - To Check a folder existence
Command - Test-Path is used to check the existence of a folder
Test-Path D:\TutorialsLink\Folder