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What is the difference between PowerShell and PowerShell ISE ?

Nov 14, 2021 PowerShell, 8649 Views
Difference between PowerShell and PowerShell ISE

What is the difference between PowerShell and PowerShell ISE?

From the previous article on PowerShell , you have an introductory knowledge about PowerShell. Here in this article, we will find out the difference between PowerShell and PowerShell ISE.

Well, Powershell is cross-platform task automation that includes the best features of shells that accept and returns .Net objects. It is extensible through modules, scripts, functions, and classes. It can create dynamic types through an extensible type system and has built-in support for data formats like XML, CSV, and JSON.PowerShell includes more than one hundred twenty plus command-line tools for function, which enables administrators to perform tasks on local and remote systems. It does offer a well-integrated command-line experience for the system.

Whereas, PowerShell ISE where ISE stands for Integrated Scripting Environment, PowerShell ISE can be defined as a host for Powershell, where you can run debug, write, test commands and scripts. It does provide multiline editing syntax coloring, context-sensitive help, and support for the right to left languages. It was first introduced in Windows Powershell V2.


A to Z Full Forms and Acronyms

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