All ShortCut Keys | Types Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Power BI for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Microsoft Outlook for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Microsoft Teams for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in iTerm2 for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Framer X for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Fortnite Game Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Shopify for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Netflix Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Trello for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Trello for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Spotify for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Spotify for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in SketchUp for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in SketchUp for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Reddit for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Reddit for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Quip for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Quip for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in PuTTY for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in PuTTY for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Notion for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Notion for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Jira for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Jira for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Guitar Pro for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Guitar Pro for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Google Drive for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Google Drive for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Gmail for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Gmail for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in GitLab for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in GitLab for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in GIMP for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in GIMP for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Figma for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Blender for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Blender for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Bitbucket for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Bitbucket for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Arduino for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Arduino for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Apex Legends for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Airtable for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Airtable for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Bear Notes for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Sublime Text for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Zoom for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Zoom for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Audacity for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Audacity for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in YouTube Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Asana for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Asana for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Visual Studio Code for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Vivaldi Browser for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Vivaldi Browser for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Unity 3D for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Unity 3D for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Twitter for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Twitter for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Webflow for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Webflow for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Affinity Photo for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Affinity Photo for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Adobe Photoshop for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Affinity Designer for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Affinity Designer for Mac OS Most Used Adobe Lightroom keyboard shortcut keys for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcuts in 1Password for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcuts in 1Password for Mac Most Used keyboard shortcuts in Power Apps Keyboard shortcuts for Azure Resource Graph Explorer in Mac OS Keyboard shortcuts for Azure Resource Graph Explorer in Windows OS Most Used Microsoft Azure Portal keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Sketch keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Microsoft Teams keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Google Postman keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Figma keyboard shortcut keys Most Used CorelDRAW keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Adobe XD keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Adobe Lightroom keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Photoshop keyboard shortcut Keys Most Used XCode keyboard shortcuts Most Used IntelliJ IDEA keyboard shortcuts Most Used PhpStorm keyboard shortcuts Most Used Webstorm keyboard shortcuts Most Used Pycharm keyboard shortcuts Most Used Sublime Text keyboard shortcuts Most Used UI Path keyboard shortcuts Most Used Notepad keyboard shortcuts Most Used Tally keyboard shortcuts Most Used Git GUI keyboard shortcuts Most Used Linux OS keyboard shortcuts Most Used Mac OS keyboard shortcuts Most Used Shortcut keys of Microsoft Outlook Most Used Shortcut keys of Microsoft Power Point Most Used Shortcut keys of Microsoft Excel Most Used Shortcut keys of Microsoft Word Most Used Shortcut keys of Windows System Most Used Shortcut keys of Notepad ++ Most Used Shortcut keys of Visual Studio Most Used Shortcut keys of Microsoft Edge Browser Most Used Shortcut keys of Opera Browser Most Used Shortcut keys of Apple Safari Browser Most Used Shortcut keys of Mozilla Firefox Browser Most Used Shortcut keys of Google Chrome Most Used Shortcut keys of IE (Internet Explorer) Browser Most Used Shortcut keys of Visual Studio Code Most Used Shortcut keys of NetBeans IDE Most Used Shortcut keys of My Eclipse Most Used Shortcut keys of Eclipse IDE Most Used Shortcut keys of Android Studio

Most Used Shortcut keys of Mozilla Firefox Browser

: 5686

What is Mozilla Firefox?

Mozilla Firefox is the world's third most generally utilized internet browser, It is considered as the quickest program for download speed, It has been at the front line of internet browser security, presenting various highlights that shield you from phishing plans, infections, and other regular endeavors. 

Most used shortcut keys for Mozilla Firefox:

Mozilla Firefox General Shortcut Keys

Command Shortcut
Back Alt + ←
Forward Alt + →
Shift + Backspace
Home Alt + Home
Open File Ctrl + O
Reload F5
Ctrl + R
Reload (override cache) Ctrl + F5
Ctrl + Shift + R
Stop Esc
Focus Next Link or Input Field Tab
Focus Previous Link or Input Field Shift + Tab
Go Down a Screen Page Down
Space bar
Go Up a Screen Page Up
Shift + Space bar
Go to Bottom of Page End
Ctrl + ↓
Go to Top of Page Home
Ctrl + ↑
Move to Next Frame, Pop-Up F6
Move to Previous Frame, Pop-Up Shift + F6
Print Ctrl + P
Save Focused Link Alt + Enter
Save Page As Ctrl + S
Zoom In Ctrl + +
Zoom Out Ctrl + -
Zoom Reset Ctrl + 0
Copy Ctrl + C
Cut Ctrl + X
Delete Del
Delete Word to the Left Ctrl + Backspace
Delete Word to the Right Ctrl + Del
Go one Word to the Left Ctrl + ←
Go one Word to the Right Ctrl + →
Go to Beginning of Line Home
Ctrl + ↑
Go to End of Line End
Ctrl + ↓
Go to Beginning of Text Ctrl + Home
Go to End of Text Ctrl + End
Paste Ctrl + V
Paste (as plain text) Ctrl + Shift + V
Redo Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Select All Ctrl + A
Undo Ctrl + Z

Mozilla Firefox Search Shortcut Keys:

Command Shortcut
Find in This Page Ctrl + F
Find Again F3
Ctrl + G
Find Previous Shift + F3
Ctrl + Shift + G
Quick Find /
Close the Find or Quick Find bar Esc
Switch Search Engine Alt + ↓
Alt + ↑
Focus Address bar for Web Search (writes "? " there) Ctrl + K
Ctrl + E
Focus Search bar Ctrl + K
Ctrl + E
Change the Default Search Engine Ctrl + ↓
Ctrl + ↑
View menu to switch, add or manage search engines Alt + ↓
Alt + ↑

Mozilla Firefox Windows & Tabs Shortcut Keys:

Command Shortcut
Close Tab Ctrl + W
Ctrl + F4
Close Window Ctrl + Shift + W
Alt + F4
Cycle through Tabs in Recently Used Order Ctrl + Tab
Exit Ctrl + Shift + Q
Go one Tab to the Left Ctrl + Page Up
Ctrl + Shift + Tab*
Go one Tab to the Right Ctrl + Page Down
Ctrl + Tab*
Go to Tab 1 to 8 Ctrl + 1 to 8
Go to the Last Tab Ctrl + 9
Move Tab Left Ctrl + Shift + Page Up
Move Tab Right Ctrl + Shift + Page Down
Move Tab to start Ctrl + Shift + Home
Move Tab to end Ctrl + Shift + End
Mute/Unmute Audio Ctrl + M
New Tab Ctrl + T
New Window Ctrl + N
New Private Window Ctrl + Shift + P
Open Address or Search in New Background Tab Alt + Shift + Enter
Open Address or Search in New Foreground Tab Alt + Enter
Open Address or Search in New Window Shift + Enter
Open Search in New Background Tab Ctrl + Enter
Open Search in New Foreground Tab Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Open Focused Bookmark or Link in Current Tab Enter
Open Focused Bookmark in New Foreground Tab Ctrl + Enter
Open Focused Bookmark in New Background Tab Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Open Focused Link in New Background Tab Ctrl + Enter
Open Focused Link in New Foreground Tab Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Open Focused Bookmark or Link in New Window Shift + Enter
Undo Close Tab Ctrl + Shift + T
Undo Close Window Ctrl + Shift + N
Moves the URL left or right (if the cursor is in the address bar) Ctrl + Shift + X

Mozilla Firefox History Shortcut Keys:

Command Shortcut
History sidebar Ctrl + H
Library window (History) Ctrl + Shift + H
Clear Recent History Ctrl + Shift + Del

Mozilla Firefox Bookmarks Shortcut Keys:

Command Shortcut
Bookmark All Tabs Ctrl + Shift + D
Bookmark This Page Ctrl + D
Bookmarks sidebar Ctrl + B
Show/hide the Bookmarks toolbar Ctrl + Shift + B
Show all Bookmarks Ctrl + Shift + O

Mozilla Firefox Tools Shortcut Keys:

Command Shortcut
Open Downloads Ctrl + J
Add-ons Ctrl + Shift + A
Toggle Developer Tools F12
Ctrl + Shift + I
Web Console Ctrl + Shift + K
Inspector Ctrl + Shift + C
Take a screenshot Ctrl + Shift + S
Style Editor Shift + F7
Profiler Shift + F5
Network Ctrl + Shift + E
Developer Toolbar Shift + F2
Responsive Design View Ctrl + Shift + M
Scratchpad Shift + F4
Page Source Ctrl + U
Browser Console Ctrl + Shift + J
Page Info Ctrl + I

Mozilla Firefox PDF Viewer Shortcut Keys:

Command Shortcut
Next page N or J or →
Previous page P or K or ←
Zoom in Ctrl + +
Zoom out Ctrl + -
Automatic Zoom Ctrl + 0
Rotate the document clockwise R
Rotate counterclockwise Shift + R
Switch to Presentation Mode Ctrl + Alt + P
Choose Text Selection Tool S
Choose Hand Tool H
Focus the Page Number input box Ctrl + Alt + G

Mozilla Firefox All Miscellaneous Shortcut Keys:

Command Shortcut
Complete .com Address Ctrl + Enter
Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry Shift + Del
Toggle Full Screen F11
Toggle Menu Bar activation (showing it temporarily when hidden) Alt or F10
Toggle Reader Mode F9
Caret Browsing F7
Focus Address Bar F6 Alt + D Ctrl + L
Focus Search Field in Library F6
Ctrl + F
Stop Autoscroll Mode Esc
Cancel Drag-and-Drop Operation Esc
Clear Search Field in Library or Sidebar Esc
Close a Menu Esc AltF10
Toggle Context Menu Shift + F10


Mozilla Firefox has some high-level safety efforts that guard against spyware and infections, It incorporates a ground-breaking spring up blocker and solid confirmation conventions that keep the assailants from running unapproved code when you are perusing.

Mozilla Firefox security can be enormously upgraded with expansions like NoScript and FlashBlock that empower you to specifically execute progressed code on the sites, It is Plug-in viable importance the program is enabled to add certain highlights to the program to add new highlights or make existing highlights more advantageous or instinctive.

Mozilla Firefox has a safer security mode and downloading, It has a more instinctive route, It contains a moderate interface, and it offers a ton of help and backing on Firefox instructional exercise.

There is more customization in Mozilla Firefox, It is quicker and more viable, It is anything but difficult to have additional items, It is allowed to download at no cost, It is simple of utilization, and it effectively refreshed.

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shortcuts Most Used Pycharm keyboard shortcuts Most Used Webstorm keyboard shortcuts Most Used PhpStorm keyboard shortcuts Most Used IntelliJ IDEA keyboard shortcuts Most Used XCode keyboard shortcuts Most Used Photoshop keyboard shortcut Keys Most Used Adobe Lightroom keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Adobe XD keyboard shortcut keys Most Used CorelDRAW keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Figma keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Google Postman keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Microsoft Teams keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Sketch keyboard shortcut keys Most Used Microsoft Azure Portal keyboard shortcut keys Keyboard shortcuts for Azure Resource Graph Explorer in Windows OS Keyboard shortcuts for Azure Resource Graph Explorer in Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcuts in Power Apps Most Used keyboard shortcuts in 1Password for Mac Most Used keyboard shortcuts in 1Password for Windows Most Used Adobe Lightroom keyboard shortcut keys for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Affinity Designer for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Affinity Designer for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Adobe Photoshop for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Affinity Photo for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Affinity Photo for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Webflow for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Webflow for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Twitter for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Twitter for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Unity 3D for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Unity 3D for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Vivaldi Browser for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Vivaldi Browser for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Visual Studio Code for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Asana for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Asana for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in YouTube Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Audacity for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Audacity for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Zoom for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Zoom for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Sublime Text for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Bear Notes for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Airtable for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Airtable for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Apex Legends for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Arduino for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Arduino for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Bitbucket for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Bitbucket for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Blender for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Blender for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Figma for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in GIMP for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in GIMP for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in GitLab for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in GitLab for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Gmail for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Gmail for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Google Drive for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Google Drive for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Guitar Pro for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Guitar Pro for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Jira for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Jira for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Notion for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Notion for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in PuTTY for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in PuTTY for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Quip for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Quip for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Reddit for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Reddit for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in SketchUp for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in SketchUp for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Spotify for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Spotify for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Trello for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Trello for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Netflix Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Shopify for Windows Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Fortnite Game Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Framer X for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in iTerm2 for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Microsoft Teams for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Microsoft Outlook for Mac OS Most Used keyboard shortcut keys in Power BI for Windows